Joan Moser

srea writes: When I talk with teachers about deciding which strategies to pick for their students, one page I always refer them to is the “Sample Needs and Strategies” sheet. The way it is set up allows myself as a reading teacher as well the classroom teacher to quickly look at the ‘what we are seeing’ column to make some decisions. I’ve referred to it in so many situations, that everyone I work with knows what I’m talking about when I say “The best page ever” :). It’s kind of hidden in the CAFE book, I think, but if you’ve attended a workshop, it’s in the workshop book. Also, here is a link to it on the website:





Laura Kelleher

I think I am missing something. I do not see the link to the to the page on the website. I tried a search with the words “Sample Needs Strategies” on the website and have been unable to find it. This sounds like a great tool. Could you help me find it? Thanks!


Wondering if you just click on the link, when I did, it took me right to the page. See what you think.

Laura Kelleher

Thank you very much. This looks like an awesome resource!

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