
Need to rethink approach to spelling - Year 1 & 2 class, main focus has been on high frequency words, also specific graphemes each week as a word study focus - based on Sound Waves program, with 5 individual words sent home and weekly spelling test.  New approach is apparently no words sent home, no testing, so how to go about this and still individualise spelling for students and track progress.  So far being told what not to do, without a clear path forward.






Many teachers who do Daily 5/CAFE utilize the Words Their Way word sorts and lessons. They come in several developmental spelling stages, and it's fairly easy to get small group or individualized groups going once you are familiar with the lessons.  Much of the work is independent sorts, which can be incorporated into Word Work during Daily 5.  There is a wonderful initial assessment that shows you where to begin your students, and then the sorts progress through the skills.  After about every 5 sorts or so, there is an assessment of the lessons in that particular section.  If you google Words Their Way, you will be able to see many schools' and teachers' ideas and ways to incorporate it.  The sorts books can be found on Amazon as well, and are reasonable priced.  You really only need one of each level from which to make your copies.  

I know there are other worthy programs out there, too.  Any others want to share?  

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