
My district is cracking down on using the printer but we would really like to put up the CAFE menu in several classrooms that are at the beginning stages of implementation. There are moneys available however to purchase items like a bulletin board set like you might find at Carson Dellosa. Does such thing exist?






No, kmillburg, and truly the Sisters speak against the “selling” of strategy cards. Their belief is that “the person who does the most work learns the most”–even down to posting the strategies as they are introduced. Their belief is that when you introduce a strategy, choose a student to write (or copy) the strategy onto a part of a sentence strip, or a piece of paper cut to the size of your CAFE board.
Also, they’d suggest never putting up all the strategies at once–only post them as you introduce to the group–just as you would do the words you add to a Word Wall.
So, you don’t really need to use the printer at all!!

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