Please share your takeaways, thoughts, and questions on Gail's interview with Dr. Jody Carrington in this thread!





Jacinda Paice

This woman talks  so much sense and it gives me hope to be the teacher I want to be while dealing with the kids in my class who have suffered trauma. I have just ordered her 3 books and are considering signing up for the courses on her website. Thank you Gail for sharing this insight. It already has a life changer about going to work on Monday.



The quote from Dr. Carrington showing up in Friday's Tip of the Week immediately spoke to me as I have used those exact words, numerous times, since the start of this school year when talking about one of my students. I am so excited to learn more from her books and the upcoming workshops. I also shared the video with my administrators, counselors and teaching team hoping we can develop a PD around her important work. Thank you Gail for sharing your interview with us. 

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