A committee I’m on at my school is compiling a list of expository texts that use figurative language and a bit of the narrative story to share facts. I know there are many knowledgeable teachers on here who could add to our list. As an example, those of you who have attended the Sister’s Workshops the past few times have received the book Feathers are Not Just for Flyinghttp://www.amazon.com/Feathers-Just-Flying-Melissa-Stewart/dp/1580894313/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1449617019&sr=1-6&keywords=Feathers

It’s a lovely book, and contains so much information. We’ve also included several Ruth Heller books (which also are poetic) and some Leo Lionni science tie-ins.

Really, would love to hear from you all!!






Rachel Geyer

I just saw this but it is almost a year old. Do have the list? I could really use it for my 4th graders.
Thank you!

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