Do you have favorite tunes for increasing concentration, providing brain and body breaks, or establishing a certain climate in your room? We'd love to hear about them! 





Nancy Noolas-Nachtigal

I like to sart the year with The White Stripes "We're Going to Be Friends."


The first verse of Carole King's Beautiful.  The song Crayola Doesn't Make a Color For Your Eyes by Kristin Andreassen.  


There's an "old" song/book by Raffi called Shake My Sillies Out that is a great brain break.  


Mary Griggs

‘Relaxing Piano’ Spotify playlist is the constant background soundtrack to my classroom- it’s perfect and my students are quick to remind me if it isn’t playing. 


Mozart. I have read that Mozart is very good music for calming and for concentration. You just need to leave the volume low. The funny thing is, I don't use it as much as I could. Perhaps I need to start the day with it rather than wait for after morning meeting.

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