

I am a teacher in Australia and have been teaching the lower primary years for the last few years. During this time, I implemented the Daily 5 and CAFE system to my students during our literacy blocks and they have absolutely loved it!

This year I will be teaching upper primary for the first time (Years 5 & 6 combined (10 & 11 years old) - and an all boys class too!) and was wondering if there was anything different we should do when introducing Daily 5 and CAFE to the older students? For example, would you still run Read To Someone? Would you introduce more than one element of Daily 5 at a time because the students are older? How would the CAFE menu board look llke in an upper primary class as opposed to a lower primary class?

Any guidance or tips would be very much appreciated :)






Emily Tate

Hi Joanna, 

I resonate with this question! There seems to be not much for upper primary in terms of examples of impletation and resources. From your description I think I just found your resource on TeachersPayTeachers! If you have had any luck in finding guidence I would love to hear about it!


Jacinda Paice

I teach same age and find daily 5 to be just as important, but I identify which parts are the most important. They don't read to someone every day the whole book but they choose a paragraph to share because of the content or how it shows the goal each student is working on. With structured literacy I take three days a week to focus on the skill and word pattern the student is needing to learn and the others find the examples that they want to share with me at the same time. It is amazing how much time they need to find the prefixes and suffixes and also the syllabification of words to help learn unfamiliar words.



I teach 3rd in the USA and I dont do read to someone or listen to reading. 

I break it down into read to self, writing, spelling, vocabulary and Iready reading. However, my high group does book club instead of Iready. 

I have a class in building that does daily 5 in primary and she keeps it "pure" by doing read to self, listen to reading, read to someone, word work and writing. 

Personally, I like to break it down to what your students need and alter from there. For instance, some of my students dont need read with someone or listen to reading. 

Thats what I love about daily 5!

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