
Hi Everyone,

i need a little help.  I am a first grade teacher who has a new student who never went to Kindergarten.  He doesn’t know how to write his name and does not know his letter or sounds.  He is very agreeable and trying very hard to learn.  Does anyone have suggestions on teaching letters and sounds?

Thank you for your help,







Kathy,  Does your student have good phonological awareness skills like rhyming, being able to identify the beginning and ending sounds in words, clap syllable in words spoken orally)?  I've found that even though we want them to learn the alphabet and get on with reading, if they don't have those PA skills, then the have a harder time "attaching" letters and sounds together.  There are lots of apps (many free) that can help with practicing these actiities--and of course--board games and cards, like matching two pictures that starts with same sound or that rhyme.    

I would get him started writing his name right away, for sure.  Hopefully, his name will contain letters that can be used to make other words--so that he starts attaching meaning to letters and combinations of letters right away.  The order that kids learn letters varies from program to program--there is no one "right" way, so making meaning with them through his language and what's important for him is key.  

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