
At my school I have 1 bulletin board in my classroom and I use that for birthdays and to display student work so I needed to find a creative way to put up a CAFE menu. So I found cork trivets at IKEA and used those to make a bulletin board. I painted them (with the help of my 9 year old niece) and I love how it came out. Here’s how it came out!!!






How did you attach them, and to what? Love your colors.

Kristy Dearden

Thank you. I attached them to the wall–it is a magnetic wall but the magnitism is not strong. So I used foam mounting squares and they are staying well. We often have issues with things falling off of our walls but these are holding.

Michelle Jenkins

What a great idea! This has inspired me for another idea for a CAFE board! You could paint your trivets with chalkboard or whiteboard paint so teacher and students could write/draw on them and it would be any easy to write on and also change from from year to year.

Kristy Dearden

That is a great idea, I don’t know how well you could write though because they aren’t super hard like a chalkboard. But you could do it with just boards (I bought round wooden boards from Michaels a couple years ago to make chalkboards).


I would think one would write the strategies on sentence strips, or appropriate paper, cut and fit to the size and pin them on to the cork boards.

Kristy Dearden

That’s how I’m posting the strategies.

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