
I’m a reading intervention teacher for grades K-2. We are currently using a pull out method with 30 minute sessions of 4-6 kids depending on their needs. Our school is using Daily 5 and Cafe’ during the literacy block. I want to continue the Cafe strategies with the students during their time with me. I have access to the LLI kits but want to be sure they are getting opportunity for authentic reading and not waist any time. I have great conversations with the teachers but not everyone has access to CCPensive. My thoughts are to work on read to self to build stamina while working one-on-one conferring with students. I’m looking for any suggestions that will help organize an intervention classroom to offer students the best opportunity for success.






I am just moving from a complete “push in” program with first graders to doing a pull-out program (not my idea:)). I’m hoping to keep connected to the classroom teachers as much as possible through the CCPensieve, but know it will not be completely connected. I plan to use the CCPensieve with all the teachers who use it (most of them) and have a form I will send to the others that asks them to share what strategies they are working on in the classroom with the students I’m seeing. I plan to have a CAFE menu up in the room on a presentation tri-fold board that can be moved.
Like you, we have the LLI kits, which I will pick and choose activities from, concentrating on introducing the books to the kids and then conferring separately while the others either practice sight words, letter/phonics cards or reread for fluency.
I’m anxious to hear from you and other about how things are working out as the year gets started!

Margaret Hapeshis

After discussion with my administrator about concerns with the students having a reading level at least 2 grade levels below their current grade we are going to try a combination. First I’m going in during their rotations and confer when they are not with the teacher in small group to double up and reinforce their targeted strategy. Then at a time set apart from their literacy block or the last 20 mins of their literacy block I will do a direct instruction lesson with the LLI kits as a resource along with sight words, ect. This way we are doubling up on conferring and small group direct instruction. They will also not have to miss any of the focus lessons. After today just briefly meeting the small groups (only 4 per group right now) I think I’m just going to start reinforcing their classroom Cafe strategies, until routines are established, because I have a class of “baramoter” children all at once I was able to see that they have missed out of their classroom whole group focus lesson. Hope your first days are going well. Cant wait to hear more of what is working for you!


I, too, am going to try to reinforce the strategies the classroom teachers are working on. Luckily, we all use the CCPensieve, so in case I don’t run into them, we can still talk. We’re still now sure about how to avoid students missing focus lessons, though. Always a journey :).

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