
My principal is focused on technology, specifically using the ipad along with the apple tv. Is there an app that you use that would fit in to either a reading or math strategy? It needs to be something other that whaat you can do on a pc or laptop. Thanks everyone






One I like to use is Fry Words. It’s free and not fancy, but covers the first 300 sight words. The words are broken up into lists of 10 words. You can either set the time (like 3 sec per word) or turn off the time, and kids touch the screen after they say the word.


I have used the iPad with my apple tv using the Show Me app. You can create or explore other creations that other people have made to introduce/teach/reteach a skill. I hope this answers your question. BTW, what grade level do you teach? I may be able to give you more apps…
Have a great day!

Marsha wolfel

Thank-you, I teach 2nd grade.

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