
I love the new website. I saved several things to My Bookmark but can’t seem to manage the saved items. I created new folders but can’t move things into them.






@LisaMartin44 Thank you for the kind words. Try this: When you bookmark an article, it shows up in the “Uncategorized Bookmarks”. Then, after you create a folder and name it, click back to the “uncategorized” spot. Now click and drag on the icon you want to move over the new folder–and --Voila!! The article/video moves into that new folder and disappears from the “uncategorized” spot.
Try that, and let me know how it works for you!!

Lisa Martin

Thank you for the help. Your suggestion workedfine on my computer. I had been trying to move bookmarks on my iPad.


I’m glad that worked for you. I’ll try it on my iPad, too, and see what happens. Maybe that’s a question to ask the developers :). Enjoy the site!!


I did ask about the use of iPads to move to articles into folders. The response is that the developers are working on this–this is cutting edge technology, and they will let us know as soon as that capability happens!!

Joyce Kosakowski

I have a question about organizing the folders. The introductory paragraph states that the folders will be listed A to Z, but my new folder automatically goes to the bottom of the list. Any suggestions?


I see the same thing with my folders. I’ll pass your concern on to the developers, and see if there is something they can adjust–or something we’re missing ;).

Joyce Kosakowski

Thanks for your help.

Vireo Karvonen

I tried dragging uncategorized items into a folder that I had created but nothing happens. I noticed that on the bottom of my screen something about “java script” is popping up. Also when I write a note, I am unable to save it. The save icon doesn’t save when I click on it. Help please & thanks!


Reply to vireo_karvonen~~
I think I might have figured it out :). Click on the icon of the push-pin (not the title of the article) and drag it into the folder you want it to be saved in. It doesn’t show up instantaneously, but will show up in maybe a minute. I actually clicked to back to the home page and then back to my bookmarked area–and voila! there they were.
This worked for me. Will you try this and let me know if it works for you?


I’ve share this with the developers. I know it may seem like it takes a while to respond to these requests, it’s a long process from “code” to “live” choices. Be assured that E & M are looking at all the questions submitted to them.

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