
Hello all you fabulous teachers,

I teach in South Australia and have recently been introduced to the Daily 5 and Café Book.

I have a passion for teaching year 1s and 2s and developing their comprehension. You know the kids who read beautifully but then…hmmm what was it about…!!!

I am planning a trip to North America later next year and was wondering if I could come and visit any of your classrooms for observation… P’haps spend a few hours with you and just admire how you set it up and run the daily 5. I currently have year 2’s, but 2015 will have a composite year 1 and 2 class.

I am hoping to attend a conference (Las Vegas looks available) and then I have many friends in Canada…

BUT I am also looking at spending time in Seattle…any takers for classroom visits. I can do some Australian payback lessons!!! (Chicago and New York are also on my agenda…plus Vancouver!)

I have been a teacher for (omg) nearly 3 decades! I have done 2 teacher exchanges to Canada…Alberta and Ontario LOVED it!!!

I would love to touch base with any interested people…


Angela Klenke

Hey and we could reciprocate any visits to Australia :smile:






What a fabulous trip you seem to be planning!! I’d invite you to my school, but it doesn’t sound like we’re on your travel agenda. I’m in San Antonio, TX. I hope you’ll get lots of offers to visit.
Do you know the Sisters are coming to Australia next July? It’s at a reading conference, and I can get you the info if you are interested.
Also, are you a Facebook fan? Do you know about the SA Daily 5 page which is a site started by teachers across Australia? Others can join, too (I did), but it’s full of ideas from teachers like you who are sharing great ideas. You should check it out!!
Have fun planning your trip, and I hope you get lots of offers to visit here in the States.

Angela Klenke

I attended the conference in Canberra and the 2 sisters were inspirational.
I will be attending the Las Vegas Conference in November and am a tad excited!!
Where are you based srea?


That’s so awesome! You’ll enjoy the second time as much or more than the first!!


I’m in San Antonio Texas. Come on over for a visit :).

Anne Tehan

I would be interested in knowing when the Sisters are coming to Australia. We have begun to implement Cafe and would benefit from some professional development.


I found out this information from The Sisters about their visit to Australia:
“We will be speaking at The ALEA National Conference in Canberra, July 3rd - 6th.”

Angela Klenke

Thank you for that information…I am hoping to get to Canberra in July…fingers crossed!!!
Are you on facebook?
You mentioned a SA Daily5 member on facebook, but I can’t seem to find it!
I don’t suppose you have the exact wording… I’m keen to see their page.
Thanks for all you great information


I kind of turned the name around :). It’s Daily 5 (SA), and here’s the link to their page.

Kim Michaud

If you are anywhere in Ventura County (north of LA), you are welcome to come visit my or my coworker’s classrooms. We teach 3rd grade (ages 8-9).

Angela Klenke

Sorry that’s not on my itinerary…

Angela Klenke

Still planning my trip to North America…
25th Oct New York
29th Oct Washington DC
2nd Nov Toronto
9th Nov Chicago
Las Vegas…conference
16th Nov ALBERTA…Calgary/Edmonton
9th Dec Vancouver
14th Dec Seattle
17th Dec San Francisco…


Again, WOW!!! Hope you have lovely times in every place you visit!!

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