Preparing the Nest


Gail Boushey

August 18, 2014

Issue #318

During a break at our Minneapolis conference, my husband, Doug, was assisting a group of teachers by taking photographs and answering questions. Sharing in the excitement of an expectant mother in the group, he proudly announced, “We're having a baby too!”

Eyes darted, searching for the mother-to-be, looking at me and then back at him, followed by a knowing nod that we meant that our extended family is having a baby: our first grandchild, to be exact.

Even though Doug and I have been through the baby stage three times ourselves, it was years ago, so I am finding myself thinking, and overthinking, about what to do with a baby. We are reading books on babies and reflecting about babies. Research has shifted some things a bit. For example, we used to place our babies on their stomachs and sides when they were sleeping, but now they are supposed to sleep on their backs. Many things are the same. Babies need sleep, so the special rocking technique that my dad used with me, and taught me to use with our firstborn, will feel like second nature when we use it with our new arrival.  

The beginning of a new school year reminds me of getting ready for a new baby. It is a lot of work. We get our rooms ready and anticipate the arrival of our students. We read professional books, reflect on our teaching, consider what worked well, and adjust things that didn't.

The first time we set eyes on our new arrivals, we feel a mix of apprehension and excitement.  As we are getting to know each other, we build a sense of community with techniques we know will work.

  • We practice the 10 Steps to Independence.  
  • We build stamina slowly.
  • We focus on establishing a positive relationship with every student in the room. 

No matter what grade we teach, or which child we are preparing to welcome, we need to start with what we know works, fine-tune what has worked before, research, reflect, try new techniques, and delight in a good night's sleep.


Free LIVE Webinar for Daily CAFE Members

Tuesday, August 26th, 5:00–5:30 Pacific Standard Time 

Jump-start your teaching and student learning via this live question-and-answer webinar with The 2 Sisters team: Gail, Joan, Ali, and Lori. Come with your burning questions, or simply listen in to what others want to know about Daily 5, CAFE, Math Daily 3, and Classroom Design.

Space limited to first 200.

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News from The Daily CAFE

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Article and Download

Here is a systematic way to set up or reconstruct your room. This system really works for us, and we think it will help you as well.


Website Highlight

Organizing your favorite articles, videos, and other site resources on The Daily CAFE allows you to tailor this website to perfectly meet your needs. Here's how.


Authentic Examples*


Lori shares how she uses authentic examples for her brief focus lessons.


Launching Daily 5 in Kindergarten, Part 2*


In kindergarten, some years we spend the first week focused on what it means to be independent before preteaching or launching Read to Self.


Assessing Each Strategy


Here are two more assessments to add to your repertoire.

Readers must think while they are reading, constantly asking, "Does this make sense?" Here is the assessment for this strategy.

Are you looking for a way to assess student use of word-learning tools? This is the resource for you! 


Your Classroom Library*


Whether you are starting from scratch or rethinking your existing classroom library, these videos and articles will support your efforts.


High-Speed Makeover—Update for a New Grade*


Here is an idea for displaying work and dividing a room with a semi-opaque screen.




Never Lose Your Enthusiasm
Carol Moehrle reminds us to find our spirit within.

Free CCPensieve Trial

This online conferring notebook organizes your individual and small-group teaching sessions, and can be accessed with any computer or tablet.
Try It for Free!

Professional Development Opportunities

We are excited to join many of you in San Antonio, Texas, next week for our Daily 5 and CAFE workshops. Want to start the year with up-to-date knowledge of Daily 5 and CAFE? Join us at one of the following.

Upcoming live workshops:

Los Angeles, CA

Daily 5, October 11
CAFE, October 12

Las Vegas, NV

Daily 5, November 1
CAFE, November 2

Learn more about Daily 5 and CAFE workshops, online seminars, and online graduate course.


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