

Lori Sabo

July 10, 2014

Issue #312

114.84 miles. That is how far I have to move.  My husband took a job in another city.  We have been in this house for 26 years, this community for 30, and to say my roots run deep would be an understatement.  

My best friends (one of whom has been in that category for 40 years) are here, as are my precious parents. I have worked at a great school with amazing people for the past eight years.  When I get out of my car and head into the school, I feel a deep sense of belonging and satisfaction. I can't imagine not being part of their daily lives anymore.
Change is hard.

When we move away from one thing, we move toward another, and I am moving toward something very good.  I'll be closer to my daughter and her family in a small town with friendly people and very little traffic.  The grocery store is five minutes away, but more important, it has a Starbucks inside.
Change is good.

I know I'm not alone.  A new school year, new students, new resources, a new administrator, new teammates, a new grade level, and a new school are just some of the changes I am facing, and I know many of you are preparing for one or more of those, too.
Change is inevitable.

Change has come to The Daily CAFE as well.  Welcome to the new website that we have fervently and feverishly been working on behind the scenes.  We never dreamed when we began that we would one day offer more than 3,000 pages of videos, lesson plans, and articles to support teachers who use Daily 5 and CAFE. To make it more organized and user-friendly, we had to build a new one from the ground up.  Every single page of content has been revised and edited to align with current research and our own practice.  The site you knew and loved looks different, but we believe it is easier than ever to find what you need, when you need it, where you need it.
Change is here, and it's going to be great!


Newly Designed Tip of the Week

We hope you enjoy the new Tip of the Week format—we’ll keep addressing the topics we always have—and organize them so you can go directly to the ones that speak to you.


News from The Daily CAFE


The articles below are free for everyone this week and highlight some of our favorite pages and sections on the newly launched Daily CAFE. Follow the links and explore the site. We hope you experience the new website as a boost to your teaching practice—and teaching heart!


Design—The Third Teacher

Website Highlight

Learn how to design the classroom environment to support the learning of all students.


2014–2015 Pensieve Calendars


If you are using a three-ring binder for your Conferring Notebook, you'll want to download these calendars to help you keep track of your appointments with students.


Jump-Start Your Learning About the Daily 5

Getting Started Guide

If you are just starting to learn about the Daily 5 and are looking for a place to begin, you've found it! For those of you who are looking for a review of some Daily 5 highlights, you are in the right place too! Here are a variety of resources to get you started.


Math Daily 3

Website Highlight

Click on the Math Daily 3 tab to find lessons, activities, and more.





A Conferring Notebook Tour and Pensieve Paper Forms

Video & Download

Wouldn't it be nice if the Pensieve forms were all in one convenient, easy-to-find place? Now setting up your conferring notebook couldn't be easier.


The Interactive CAFE Menu

Website Highlight

This is one of the most helpful resources on our website.



Change is All Around Us
Change is inevitable, and we have a choice about how we respond.

Conferring with CCPensieve

Features | Screenshot Tutorials
This tool has positively changed teaching and student learning. Check out the links above, then give it a try.


Professional Development Opportunities

Jump-start, enhance, or refine your Daily 5 and CAFE skills with one of the following options.

Live Workshops

Next Available

Atlanta, GA,  August 9 & 10

There is still space in the CAFE workshop on August 10th.

San Antonio, TX,  August 23 & 24

For a limited time and space permitting, you can get a special room rate at the venue, The Westin Riverwalk, but book before July 22nd.

Online Seminars

Next Available:

Daily 5 or CAFEAugust 3–30

Many past seminar participants, especially in the summer, completed both at the same time!


The Daily 5, 2nd Edition

Stenhouse Publishers is offering online access to our Good-Fit Books video with purchase of our book. Use promotion code: D5VID.


All-Access Member Exclusive Content

This content is reserved for All-Access members. Consider upgrading your membership to access this resource.

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