From Atlanta to You


March 31, 2017

This weekend we kicked off our 2017 workshops in Atlanta, Georgia. We had a great time learning with teachers from as close as down the street to as far away as Ethiopia. And to our pleasure, Jan Burkins, author of Who’s Doing the Work, also came to share in the learning. Throughout the weekend we shared brain breaks, word work tools , ideas for supporting students with barometer behaviors, and much more. Here are a few of the articles that were referenced:

Organizing Ready Reference Guides and Parent Pipelines

Launching Daily 5 and CAFE Routines in 15 Days

Paper Pensieve Forms

Many questions were asked and answered, and we know that when one teacher has a question, others want to know the same thing too! In this week’s Tip, we would like to share the three most-asked questions, along with an article that answers each one. 


News from The Daily CAFE


How do you fit Math Daily 3 in your math block? 
Math Daily 3—Structuring Your Schedule
Whether your math block is 60, 70, or 90 minutes long, this article will help you set a successful schedule. 


How can we use our assessments to inform our instruction and what strategy do I choose?
Adjusting Student Goals Based on Current Assessments*
Here are four important things to remember when using your assessments to inform instruction. 



How do you introduce Word Work tasks and keep noise level down?
Word Work Choice–Write the Room*
Janet is introducing a new Word Work choice to some of our youngest learners. 


Focus on Health . . .
A New Start
We have options for starting anew.


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