Getting to the Top


Lori Sabo

May 12, 2017

I recently heard an acquaintance, Michael Galles, say, “When the vision is greater than the provision, we must enlist a strategy or strategies to achieve the goal. We can’t just keep going around the same mountain if what we really want is to get to the top.”

Michael was speaking about personal goals, yet I can’t help but think about how the message relates equally well to our classrooms.

Do you ever feel like you don’t have what you need to help all your students achieve standard? Or do you sometimes sense that all you are doing is going around and around without seeing growth?

If we are going to help every student, then we must be discerningly strategic. Blindly following scripted programs won’t do it. Guided reading groups based on leveling won’t do it either. But analyzing our formal and informal assessments and then tailoring our instruction to meet the gaps and needs of the students in front of us will. If you’ve got Daily 5 up and running in your classroom, you will be able to deliver strategic instruction in a way that is truly manageable and enjoyable for both you and your students. And if you are using the CCPensieve or a paper/pencil conferring notebook, you'll be able keep track of your intentional steps and the progress students make toward their goals.

We have several things here at The Daily CAFE that will help you stop circling and start climbing. Check out this week’s featured articles, or take a few moments to browse through the vast resources we have developed just for you. Happy climbing!


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