An Inexpensive Tool


Carol Moehrle

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. 
—Charles Gordy

I love people who smile. You know the kind of smile that shines in their eyes as well as their mouth, the kind that makes their eyes twinkle and light up with pure joy. Children are quick to give this kind of smile. It's genuine and instant and easy to produce.

As adults we know how to smile. We do it often as a normal reaction to situations and people around us, but sometimes our smiles don't reach our eyes. We show a smile, but it doesn't make us sparkle with pure joy and excitement.

What triggers your genuine, heartfelt smile? What situations, or events, or people bring out that sparkle in your smile?

As we age, we are often concerned about our looks. When you look in the mirror you may see smile lines. Those smile lines are a reflection of many heartfelt smiles given away to others. Count those lines as precious additions to your face.

If you question whether a smile reaches your eyes and makes you sparkle, try looking in a mirror. A mirror or a picture is a great way to see the reflection of your smile. Practice your smile while you are thinking different thoughts, and see the magical changes in your expression. It's that easy to change your looks with a smile.

Practice those smiles, and change your looks.



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