

Carol Moehrle

The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.
—Favienne Fredrickson

I talk a lot about passion. There is a strong difference between liking something and being passionate about it. 

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “Passion is a strong and barely controllable emotion, a state or outburst of strong emotion."

We may like our job and the career we have chosen; we may even be enthusiastic about showing up to work each day, but how many of us can say we are truly passionate about our career choice? 

Do you show up each day to do your job, but count the hours or minutes until you get to leave? Or do you look forward to each day with a smile and excitement that's evident to the people you encounter?

Sometimes we begin a career with passion and excitement, but lose it somewhere along the way. Where did it go? Can we get it back?  What will it take to spark that passion that was once there?

Look deep inside to find ways to rekindle the passion that was once there. Look back to the time you felt the wonder and the excitement, and find within yourself the joy and positive energy that once existed. 

We are called to our career for a purpose. Passion is within each of us. Let's find ways to rekindle the passion that is our calling in life.


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