Be Curious


Carol Moehrle

Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it.  
—Sudie Back

There is nothing more full of curiosity than a child learning to venture out on his or her own. I find it interesting that we expect the young to be curious. We expect children to ask thousands of questions that the child asks over and over to grow their knowledge and understanding.

Children learn that there are dangers out there, things that fall and break or electrical outlets that shock. They sometimes learn the hard way, but they learn from being curious. Without experiencing the results of their curiosity they would not learn.  

When was the last time you let your curiosity roam? When did something pique your interest and entice you to go exploring?  Did you learn anything from your curiosity? As we age and settle into our adult lives, we sometimes forget that we must continue to be curious and go searching for new knowledge. We must be inquisitive and ask questions to find answers.  

Remember, knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it.


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