Live Your Life with Play


Carol Moehrle

We should live out our lives playing at certain pastimes. 

We often think that play is only for children. From the time they are born, we play with our babies and children. As we teach them to reach and move, we play with them. As we read the rhymes of the famous stories, we offer play along with the words.

As children grow, they explore and continue to learn as they play. Some people continue to foster play even as they become adults. Our adult children have game nights, when they entertain around playing board games. The laughter and joy in playing board games returns the play to these adults.

Organized sports are a common pastime in our world. Children and adults play organized sports, although sometimes the competition gets in the way of true play.

When was the last time you played? Did you sit and play a board game or a game of cards? Did you engage in a game of soccer or tennis? Did you laugh and have fun?

I am blessed to live close to my grandchildren and to be able to play with them. Their sheer joy and unbridled excitement is contagious. We play with Legos and puzzles, and play hide and seek. Recently I was honored to share a sleepover in the tree house with these amazing little ones. It reminds me of my younger time with my own children as we played together. Continuing to play is keeping me young at heart as I remember that life is much more enjoyable if it is lived as play.

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