Take a Break


Carol Moehrle

There never seems to be time to take a break during the busy school day. You seldom even stop for lunch or to use the restroom. But there are huge benefits to taking regular breaks in the day. Taking a break lets you breathe again, and that small separation from your daily work increases your energy and your memory. It also helps prevent burnout.

A break may be as simple as taking some deep breaths or stretching your arms, legs, and back. Walking a few steps to refill your water bottle, and concentrating on that fresh water filling it from the bottom to the top is a perfect example of a simple but needed break in your day.

These simple actions are just enough of a diversion to break the cycle you were in and to get your energy flowing again.

Take care of yourself by allowing small breaks in your day. You will be healthier and happier because of it.



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