
I am new to Daily 5/CAFE and will be using it in a gifted intermediate classroom. I anticipate that most of my students will be on or above grade level and fluent. Do I still explicitly teach the fluency/accuracy strategies and put them on the CAFE board? I don’t want to waste their time, and many of the strategies seem to be things my students will do automatically as good readers. Help!






Your students may well have all those accuracy and fluency strategies down, but it might serve you well to do quick assessments to insure there are no “holes” in their learning. The link below is to the assessment tools for each of the strategies that you can choose from and gather information.
Certainly, you would not need to put the strategy on the CAFE board if ALL your students are successful with it. However, you might want to spend some time going over them with your students, and perhaps giving the students a copy of the CAFE menu to keep in their notebook to refer to would be a good idea.
You probably will be spending most of your time on Comprehension and Vocabulary strategies, for sure

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