
I am so excited to be using the CC Pensieve this year! The only thing I really wish it included was a Daily 5 check list of some sort to keep up with which D5 stations my kiddos have been to each week. If this feature is available, please tell me how to find it! Thanks!!






I’m going to make your day :). The CC online Pensieve DOES have a way to keep track of where the kids go!!!
When you log in, look at the bar across the top. You’ll see the “check-in” tab. You should see a list of your students already populated (if you’ve entered your class names–or as soon as you do, it will auto-populate).
You’ll see a column for today’s date and a box where you can enter the code (W, RS, etc). Click the box for each student for that round (NOTE: click in the boxes DO NOT hit “return” every time) . At the bottom of the page, click the “check in” button and all those choices will be visible. Then, you’ll see another empty box by each student for the second round’s choices. Repeat as needed :).
If you need to fix something you’ve saved, click on the pencil icon at the bottom of the list and you’ll see choices for editing, deleting or canceling. Just remember to click ‘check-in’ again when you are finished.
Play around with it, and if you have any questions, please post them here and we’ll try to answer them. You can also check the Screen Tutorials from the Home Page on the CCPensieve. .
I hope you love this tool as much as I do!!!

Melody Rae

You beat me to it!
BTW on the calendar section…is there a way to shift an appt from where it is scheduled into another day? For example, I have a child scheduled on the 5th but she is absent, can they be clicked and dragged or(?) into another calendar space?


If you click on the event on the ‘old date’ a box will appear. You can change the date here and click completed. Then it will move :).

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