
Every year I have a hard time getting my administrator to understand the importance of Daily 5. I have my I-Charts posted along with my CAFE menu, but she insists that I need to have daily focuses up. I feel that the CAFE menu is the tool my students use to become better workers and they know what to focus on. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do to get my admin to understand Daily 5/CAFE?






How about giving her copies of the CAFE menus showing the correlations to Common CORE (assuming you are in a common core state)? That way you can show her that all CAFE strategies are a part of those standards or focus for instruction.
I would also suggest that she come into your classroom and observe you kids, and how they can almost always name the strategy they are focusing on. I think that’s impressive, and something that doesn’t happen much in non-D5 classrooms.
Here’s an article from the website discussing what to show principals:

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