
I was looking at the lit lessons on the website and many of the books are quite long. I am looking for suggestions on how to read the book and teach the strategy and stay within the time limits based on age? I teach 2nd grade so I am looking at 7-8 minutes for each mini lesson.








Many people have solved this dilemma by reading the book “for pure enjoyment” at your read aloud time. Then, when you are ready for your mini-lesson, you can just review the book and go on. The Lit Lessons are not written for a specific grade level, so you might need to adjust your teaching of the lesson to meet the needs of your students.

Germaine Cooley

That makes a lot of sense. Thank you, I have been trying to find books that I could use during my morning meeting or at the end of the day before they dismiss. This is my first year using CAFE and I am really excited.


Good idea! Hope you learn to love CAFE as much as I do. Don’t hesitate to ask questions here on the Discussion Board. You’ll get lots of good information from lots of teachers with all kinds of experience. Wishing you the best!!


There’s a great article in the Tip of the Week today about this very topic :).

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