
Hello, my name is Susan and I am new to the group. I am curious as to how people who use daily 5 grade on report cards. My school likes us to give many tests in reading, math, etc. and average out grades for our report cards. This does not seem to fit with the daily five. Any suggestions on how you assess your students for report cards and create “grades” since I do not see any formal testing? Thank you!






Do you use the Touch Points system the Sisters describe? You can use those as daily “grades”. Have you looked at the Assessments of Learning for the strategies? They come with rubrics and could be converted to grades.
Here’s a link to an article about Touch Points:
Here’s a link to a piece about the Assessments of Learning for Check for Understanding:

Susan Salvi

Thank you so much! I will definitely do that and check out your links. I am brand new to the daily 5 and cafe and I am teaching myself how to do it. It is not done in my school. Your help is very much appreciated!


Welcome to the World of Daily 5 :). It will truly transform your teaching and your students’ learning in the most positive of ways. The Discussion Board is always open and we love to hear from teachers just like you .
When you have time, do familiarize yourself with the website–so much support here, including the videos and Tip of the Week (sign up if you haven’t already)–always new articles and ideas to use.
Never hesitate to ask a question, as I’m sure many of us have asked the same questions, and are happy to share our experiences and Ahha moments!!

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