My Bag of Tricks for Stress Relief


Carol Moehrle

Here are five of my go-to tricks to help relieve stress.

  1. Get some exercise. Noncompetitive exercise is less stressful. Try walking, swimming, or riding your bike. Exercise is a great mental diversion and a great stress reliever.
  2. Create some time and space for you. Find some personal space.
  3.  When negative self-talk begins, stop and purposefully replace those words with positive affirmations. Focus on positive words only.
  4. Take five deep breaths and give yourself permission to walk away from the stressful situation.
  5. Ask for help when you need it. Share your thoughts and feelings with others.

We all have stress and stressors in our lives. Recognize your signs and symptoms, and develop your own bag of tricks to help relieve your stress. Find what works for you and practice using them before the stress becomes overwhelming.


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