I love you. These three simple words can change attitudes, build confidence, and promote self-worth. Read about it in the 2/14/20 Tip and share with us here—How do you spread love in the classroom or school so that your students feel accepted, welcome, and cared for? 






I am always working on trying to show the students that I love them.  I wish I was better at it.  One rule I have for myself is: Never yell at a child.   I try to stay calm even when I am frustrated.  If I do raise my voice for any reason, I apologize with an even stronger more urgent voice.  The apology is made in front of everyone who heard the original outburst. I might include a personal reason I had the outburst like: "I am feeling stressed because I have an online assignment that is pastdue, but that doesn't give me the right to yell at you."  The only reason to throw in a reason for breaking my 'Never Yell Rule' is to share a piece of my life with them which helps build relationships.  I never say something like: I'm sorry I yelled at you, but you shouldn't have been breaking our class rule."  That wouldn't be an apology.  That is just an additional scolding.  Another thing I do to show love is spend time with them -all of them  or large groups of them, not just one or two students.  One way I share my time with them is by  sponsoring after school activities.  If we have read a book together that has a corresponding movie, I will send home permission slips for the students to stay after school to watch the movie.  I provide popcorn, soda, and a candy bar for each child.  We have nearly 100% turn out for movie nights.   This week I organized a Valentine's Dance for the whole school (We're a very small school).   Basically, I do things for them and with them.  Some things cost money.  I never regret spending money on them.  I never regret spending time with them.  They are so worth it.   I am not advocating that everyone spend money and time outside of school hours on students.  That could be a big stressor for those strapped for cash or time,  There are many other ways to show love that don't take extra time or money such as: speaking respectfully, smiling, encouraging, sending home positive notes, being fair, mentioning good characteristics about a child to another adult in the child's presence, and making every lesson as interesting, fun, and educationally beneficial as possible.


Your response is full of so many effective ways to show love to students! You make a great point in talking about trying to stay calm when frustrated and explaining an outburst if one happens. I think it is so important that we are transparent with our students at times like that . . . we are modeling for them that everyone has struggles and it is okay to accept responsibility and work to make it better. :) Thanks for sharing all of your ideas!

Kathy Sahagian

I great each child at the door in the morning.  We also begin every day with an opening circle and a closing cirlce.  


What a great way to show your students they are your first priority! I was at the CCIRA conference last week and heard George Couros speak and he mentioned how it is crucial to greet students each and every day. He followed with saying, "The first week of school you stood outside your classroom and welcomed students – but what about last week?" It was a good opportunity to reflect on how sometimes we get wrapped up in the busyness of day to day life and we need to refocus and remember the purpose. :) Your students are so fortunate to have your warmth greet them every morning. :) Thanks for sharing! 

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