Holiday Gifts


Gail Boushey

December 25, 2020

Holidays evoke images of gifts, yet the best gifts of all might not be the ones we wrap.

The gifts within you, that you share each and every day, are gifts of lasting worth.

The gift of kindness—
kind action and word.
The gift of time—
to listen and be heard.

The gift of love
shared by look, hug, or smile
warms the heart
and lasts a long while.

The gift of a hand
held out for support
will lift one up
to encourage, transport.

The gift of laughter—
one story, one rhyme—
positively affects
each of us over time.

The gift of respect
and acceptance for all,
of similarities and differences,
valuing them all.

The gift of hope,
bravely radiated today,
opens hearts and minds
to endless possibilities in each day.

Share more of these gifts with those on your list and they will certainly be received joyously, making our world a better place.

Here's to the happiest of days during the holidays you celebrate. 

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