The Power of One


May 28, 2021

Todd Gordon

We live in a society that puts an emphasis on more being better. How many followers do I have on social media? How many likes did I get on a social media post? What can I do to make more money? I wish I had a bigger house, nicer car, the newest technology . . . more. Just more.

Today, I challenge you to think of the power of one. The effect you can have on one’s person life. Just one.

If we can affect one person per day with a positive interaction, act, reaction, smile, or friendly greeting, we have made a difference.

Think of the power one act will have if done every day for a year. The person you affect affects another person, and then they affect another. You have now had an influence on three people, and it will only keep growing because you did one thing. You did the right thing and treated someone in a positive way. As an educator you have the power to influence colleagues, students, parents, and the community. Whether it be through a smile, a phone call, a note home, or an act of service, a single interaction can have significance.

Don’t focus on the numbers. One person can make a difference. That one is you.


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