Provide teachers new to Daily 5 and CAFE exclusive access to a built-in system of support.
The Daily 5 and CAFE Newcomer Collab
A collaboration of teachers all new to Daily 5 and CAFE that learn together and support each other with weekly training via our online text to teach programs, and an exclusive online community.
And the best part? This community spans the entire 2021-2022 school year! These teachers will grow and thrive together with counsel and advice from our expert Daily 5 and CAFE trainer, and co-author of The CAFE Book, Expanded Second Edition, Allison Behne.
In the first six weeks, the Collab will learn Daily 5, then move on to CAFE for weeks six through twelve. During this time participants will collaborate online, share artifacts, compare notes, and have each other (colleagues on a similar journey) to lean on for support.
What You Get
- Participation in an exclusive online community of teachers that are on a similar journey in which to share ideas, troubleshoot challenges, provide feedback, and offer encouragement.
- Daily 5 Text to Teach Online Seminar
- CAFE Text to Teach Online Seminar
- One-Year Membership to
- One-Year Membership to
- The opportunity to participate in two-1 hour live conversations per month with an expert member of our team as a Daily CAFE member. (Held on the first Wednesday and third Thursday.)
- The Daily 5 Second Edition, Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades
- The CAFE Book, Expanded Second Edition, Engaging All Students in Daily Literacy Assessment and Instruction
Schedule and Curriculum
Daily 5
Week 1: September 7—12
Learning—The Foundation of Daily 5, What We Believe
Reading: Chapters 1 & 2
Week 2: September 13—19
Learning—Building Routines to Build Independence, Classroom Space
Reading: Chapters 3 & 4
Week 3: September 20—26
Learning—Successfully Launching Read to Self, Lessons that Create the Foundation
Reading: Chapter 5
Week 4: September 27—October 3
Learning: The Importance of Choice, Launching the Other Tasks
Reading: Chapters 6 & 7
Week 5: October 4—10
Learning: Conferring About Behavior, What We Need to Consider in the Classroom
Reading: Chapter 9
Week 6: October 11—17
Learning: What is CAFE?
Reading: Chapter 1
Week 7: October 18—October 24
Learning: Keeping Track of Student Information
Reading: Chapter 2
Week 8: October 25—November 7
Learning: Assessment to Instruction, Determining What Students Need
Reading: Chapter 3
Week 9: November 8—November 14
Learning: Planning Lessons & Student Needs
Reading: Chapter 4
Week 10: November 15—November 21
Learning: Introducing the classroom CAFE Menu, What We Need to Consider in the Classroom
Reading: Chapter 5
Week 11: November 22—November 28
Learning: Instructional Considerations
Reading: Chapter 6
Week 12: November 29—December 5
January—June: Active Collaboration in the Newcomer Community
Discussion continues through our online community learning portal, and bi-monthly zoom conversation opportunities. Timely topics of need and interest will be addressed based on participant needs.
Topics that may be discussed include:
conferring, assessment, record keeping, strategy instruction, meeting standards, behavior, etc.
Our facilitator will help fill in any gaps and troubleshoot.
The result? A school year's worth of just in time support for newcomers to your school!