Displaying 21 - 30 of 219 Search Results
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Gail and Joan are introducing I-PICK using weights instead of the shoe lesson, bringing a new analogy to the concept of good-fit books that is critical for every age to master.


We have tried many different ways to have children choose their good-fit books. Here are some of our favorites.


Do read the pictures and I PICK seem to contradict one another?


Teachers often want to know if we help students to individually select good-fit books after we teach the lesson.

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Picking partners can make or break the culture of a classroom.  Listen in to this interesting conversation about choosing partners with older students.

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Students will be working with partners throughout the day and in all academic areas, so we broke down the act of choosing a partner into a few steps that can be replicated each time students need to select partners.


This twist on a familiar tale will help reinforce I PICK with our youngest students. 


This document will help parents who want to support their child's use of this strategy at home.  

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Regular playing cards come in handy when matching partners for Read to Someone. It's a quick and impartial way to get readers together.

Tip of the week
December 12, 2014

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