Displaying 211 - 219 of 219 Search Results

Tips for end-of-the-year library clean up. 


We've got to come out and say it. Some of the things you've heard about Daily 5 just aren't true. 

Tip of the week
Issue #373 I vividly remember the first year I used the Daily 5 structure in my classroom. Before the start of the year, I reworked the design of the classroom, organized the library, and prepared book boxes. I subscribed to The Daily CAFE website , read The Daily 5 a second time, and felt...

Tip of the week
Tattle Box Reviewing I PICK—Whole Group Lesson Coaching or Time? Celebrate Friends


What does it look like? What is the purpose? Let's talk!


Choose from over 50 ideas of family-friendly ways that parents can make authentic learning experiences part of their children’s home lives.


We begin CAFE with this powerhouse comprehension strategy. 


This series provides school leaders with fundamental ways to support teachers.

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