Displaying 41 - 50 of 219 Search Results
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Gail introduces the CAFE Menu to a group of fourth graders by comparing the menu in a restaurant to the CAFE menu in their classroom. It is a lesson that helped them understand we pick and choose, depending on what will best meet our needs.

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Friend, Whether your students are learning in-person, remotely, or in a hybrid of the two, finding a good fit S.P.A.C.E. is absolutely essential for the best learning outcome. In this video , Gail teaches students the five things to think about when picking a good fit spot. Use her terminology to...

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We are having a problem with our students choosing good fit books. Majority of students can tell how to choose a good fit books and our teachers are teaching Ipick at least once a week. What do you do when students refuse to pick good fit books? We have read multiple articles and watched videos on...


When teaching this strategy, use the Ready Reference Guide and review required standards to see the depth of instruction needed. What do students need to be able to do? Then, use the instruction protocol along with a chosen book to teach the strategy in the desired setting. Download a model lesson below. Go here to access the I PICK Bookmarks in color and black and white.  

Article - Link

What are your thoughts on classroom design? Do you spend a lot of time each year picking out just the right theme and setting up your room, or do you take a bare bones approach? In this month’s coaching, Gail will share the profound effect your classroom design can have on student relationships, engagement and learning.


Article - Printable

Lori Sabo shares the form her kids use to assess the contents of their book boxes.  


Whether you are just learning about Daily 5 or wanting to review some of the basics, this page is sure to help.

Article - Video

Here is another way to reinforce the importance of good-fit books with all ages. 

Forum Topic
Looking for suggestions! I am responsible for teacher PD in January. I was thinking of making 3 or 4 small workshop type classes of 30 to 45 minutes. Teachers can pick and choose which workshop they want to attend, but will be required to do at least one. My ideas consist of strategy grouping,...

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