Displaying 1 - 10 of 102 Search Results
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In this video we chat with Erin, for a bit, speed up the action, then slow it down to talk about the changes we made.

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I am implementing the Math Daily 3 at my school in grade 7 and 8. I have implemented it fully in grade 3, however, I am seeking advice and tips for using it in a grade 7 and 8 classroom.

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A seventh grade language arts classroom has limited space and the classroom bookshelves need some reorganization.

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Our teachers of grades 5& 6 teachers would like to implement Daily 3 for math (we already do Daily 5) . Do you have access to any math activities appropriate for that grade level?If not, can you direct me to a resource?


Wondering how to make Daily 5 and CAFE fit in your middle school language arts block? Here is one idea.

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Gail and Joan redesign this middle school gathering space, making it feel cozier. It is also easier for students to access the wonderful classroom library.

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I am moving back to middle school, seventh grade to be exact. I’m having trouble wrapping my brain around Daily 5, which I was only able to implement in a limited way with 4th graders this year. Ideas, Suggestions? What really is essential to look at from the beginning???


What do they look like? Answers inside. 

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I previously atteneded the conference when I was teaching second grade. I used this quite a bit in my elementary classroom but I am struggeling to figure out how to implement it in my classroom.

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Starting with a vision and expectation before making a change in a space helps to define the project.

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