Displaying 31 - 40 of 102 Search Results
Article - Video

 This video is focused on the clever ways Ron displays his many books. Pinterest Worthy for sure!


What we love about Daily 5 and CAFE is the flexibility.  

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Somewhere on this site I read a book title that the sisters recommended to get ideas from. Does anyone know the name of that book? I would appreciate it. I am working to set up Math Daily Three for next year. The books recommended were by John Van de Walle. He has several for different ages of...

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Hello! I currently teach 4th grade at a bilingual school in California (the students are either in the French/English program or the Chinese/English program). To add to the complexity of our school, we are in the middle of (hopefully!) getting accredited to be an IB (International Baccalaureate)...


It is a privilege to teach children with behavior challenges, but we need strategies to help ensure our success, and theirs.  

Article - Printable

Molly Miller shares how she supplements and supports her teachers’ Daily 5 and CAFE practice. Her plan may be just the starting point you need.


Here are seven rules of engagement, evidence-based suggestions for fostering students' motivation to read.

Forum Topic
I teach seventh grade Language Arts in a 6-12 school. We have 55 minute classes. I have classes of 24-30 students. Usually I have two standard classes and two honors classes. I love the philosophy and procedures behind Daily 5 and CAFE. I have struggled over the years to figure out how to make this...


Teachers often want to know if Daily 5 can work with shorter literacy blocks.


How can we identify, support, nurture, and help reshape barometer behaviors in a knowledgeable way?

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