Displaying 1 - 10 of 126 Search Results
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Where can I find ideas and strategies for working with older students to use with the CAFE?

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It is hard for many older students to shift from one rotation to the another due to how deep they get into their learning. I feel that the stamina is there and they want and need time to delve into their passions. Is it better to have them come back to their work at another time or let them...

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CAFE Menus look different from classroom to classroom. This video shows how Pam, a 5th grade teacher, has made changes to her based on the needs of her students. Listen in.

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In this video, Joan and Gail tap into what these students already know about independence, and then focus their instruction on the nuances of partner reading with older students.  


It can be challenging for older readers to choose books that are a perfect fit, especially when those books are considerably easier than the books their peers are reading. Here's an idea that really works.

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The Daily 5/CAFE book states the importance of posting the CAFE board in the classroom, so students can post their name next to their goal. If students each have their own copy of the CAFE menu to keep track of their goals, is there still a need to post the CAFE board in the classroom?

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Gail and Joan are introducing I-PICK using weights instead of the shoe lesson, bringing a new analogy to the concept of good-fit books that is critical for every age to master.

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The videos and lessons are great on Daily Cafe. But has anyone noticed most of the books are for young readers. Can we also have a selection of videos and lessons using books for older readers? Its not cheap the subscription. My students are nearly at high school.

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