A busy 'Kohkum"! Trained as a middle years teacher, after a 10 year leave, I was rehired to teach a 4/5 split, then grade 1 for one year, third graders for 4 years, then I taught 5th graders for 3 years and was suddenly transferred, without notice, to a different school, 40 km from my home, to teach first grade children. Wow! What a HUGE change. At home, I'm always busy with yard and gardening work, canning etc as the garden and wild fruits ripen, then in winter I knit, crochet, and do some other experimental and crafty things, travelling, when not working, spending time with grandchildren (which involves travelling) and generally enjoying life. University of Victoria, B.C.; University of Saskatchewan, SUNTEP Program; B.Ed. American Intercontinental University - 1st on-line graduation class - 2005, M. Ed; I have been a full-time mom, 0ffice administrator, and worn many other "hats" in my lifetime.
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