Is there a CAFE board for writing? How do you display your writing strategies?

Update: Due to the popularity of this post and Suzanne Rea's answer below, we created an updated thread. Please use the updated thread to request a copy of Suzanne's CORE menu. Updated thread: CORE Writing Menu. We will be removing posts below that contain email addresses.

Thank you! —The Daily CAFE Team, November 12, 2019





Janice LaRoche

Hi Suzanne,

Can you send me a copy of the CORE menu?  [email protected]

Thanks so much!


Maria Hansen

Hello Srea,
Would you please email me CORE menu of your writing strategies, too?
This is a great tool! Thank you so much for sharing! My email address is [email protected].
Thank you!


Just sent it your way :).

Teresa Thorson

Hi Suzanne, 

I would love a copy of the second grade one, if available. 


I use Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Primary Writing for my writing workshop. I launch her first unit, small moments focusing on personal narratives. I do not introduce work on writing as part of my daily 5 until our writing workshop is in full swing. I allow for one hour 3 times a week alternating with science or social studies. I also have my students write about their "Weekend News" every Monday morning for about 20 minutes. If they don't finish, I have them finish during Daily 5 as a choice for work on writing once work on writing has been established.


Denise Binder

I would also like info on the CORE writing.   [email protected]


Just sending it now.  :)


Jennifer Greenlee

Suzanne, could you send me the CORE writing rubric that you pasted on this thread?  The pasted image here is opening as black on black, so I cannot use.

[email protected]


Jennifer Greenlee

Suzanne, please send writing rubric CORE

[email protected]


So sorry I missed this!  It's on it's way :).

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