Lessons from 30,000 Feet


Gail Boushey

July 19, 2024

In the midst of a flight to Alabama, headed for a teacher training session, I witnessed a profound lesson in empathy and perspective. Our helpful flight attendant worked tirelessly to ensure everyone aboard had a comfortable journey. Most passengers responded with gratitude, appreciating her efforts to make the flight enjoyable. However, there was one passenger whose discontent was palpable: She complained about everything from seat comfort to noise levels.

Despite the challenges posed by this passenger, our flight attendant remained composed. Her smile never wavered as she addressed complaints and attended to requests. Sitting next to me, a fellow passenger voiced admiration mixed with curiosity: “How do you manage to smile and stay calm, dealing with someone like that?”

Without missing a beat, the flight attendant replied, “It’s part of the job. I imagine she’s nervous about flying, maybe sleep deprived or worried about missing a connecting flight. My role is to make her day a little easier. That’s what I’m here to do while I’m on the clock.”

This simple yet profound interaction resonates deeply, especially for educators. In our classrooms and schools, we encounter a diverse range of students and colleagues, each with their own joys, fears, challenges, and perspectives. Just as the flight attendant recognized the potential reasons behind the passenger’s dissatisfaction, teachers too can benefit from understanding the underlying factors shaping behavior and attitudes.

Empathy, rooted in understanding, transforms interactions in the classroom. When a student acts out or struggles, it’s often a result of underlying emotions or challenges. By approaching these situations with empathy, teachers create a supportive environment where students feel understood and valued. It’s about seeing beyond the behavior to the person behind it, offering support and guidance with kindness and patience.

In addition, empathy extends to colleagues and fellow educators. Each day brings its own set of pressures and responsibilities. By acknowledging each other’s perspectives and challenges, educators can cultivate a culture of collaboration and support, enhancing professional relationships and collective well-being.

Ultimately, the flight attendant’s unwavering empathy serves as a heartfelt reminder: Perspective transforms interactions. By embracing empathy in our classrooms and schools, we make every day a little brighter for those we teach and work alongside.


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*Prepared Classroom 180 Go—180 Go is the on-demand approach to learning the system. Complete the coursework on your own time, place, and schedule! If you are a self-driven go-getter, this approach is for you. You will receive six months access to everything you need to be successful. Learn More. 

*Individual Courses—Individual Courses are for educators that need a refresher on a part of the system, really want to know more about a specific course topic, or want to learn the system over time by taking the nine courses individually. Learn More. 

*Graduate Courses—Need graduate credit? Graduate courses offered through UIU. Learn More

*In-Person WorkshopJoin us for an interactive day of learning, hands-on collaboration, and fun on August 9 in Paso Robles, CA. 


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