
This is my first year using Daily5/Math Daily 3. I teach 3rd grade. I am wondering how many strategies are taught whole group in a reading block? The book shows a couple sample schedules. There is one where there are three rotations. That is what we do in my classroom. I am wondering though if I need to split up each rotation with a short mini lesson? If so, do I teach a different strategy for each different mini lesson or is it better to focus on the same strategy for a couple days. So in essence that means I would have three mini lessons a day but they will all be about one strategy, for example check of understanding. If I am to teach three different strategies in a day is it too difficult for students to understand those strategies if I teach three in one day?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:






I think your thinking sounds great :). It’s true that teaching a different strategy between each round would be a lot for students to take in and really digest. I do think it is better to work with the same strategy, perhaps i once through reading and once through writing–or through fiction and then non-fiction text.
Another thing to think about is to be aware of how your students respond to the strategy you’re teaching–do they exhibit some misunderstanding during your conferring and read to self/work on writing? You may pick up on a misunderstanding that needs to be addressed in a followup mini-lesson. Of course, all strategies will be revisited throughout the year, so mastery may not be reached during the first time(s) you teach them.
I’m sure other teachers have hints and suggestions that will give us all new ideas!!

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