
Hello all,

I am hoping someone can help me out.  I am new here and was clicking through topics and videos regarding Daily 5.  I stumbled upon a video where Gail Boushey is talking and in the first couple of minutes shares a chart showing students and their reading habits.  She talks about a student who reads appoximately 1 minute is low but if he increases his reading time to 11 minutes (at least that is the best description I can do on memory and only seeing it one time) that student can progress to a higher level in no time.  I do not know the title of the video or even how I found it to search it again.  Does this ring a bell with anyone?  I hope so!  I really would like to watch the full video.








Haven't found it yet--a couple of more questions for you:  Is Gail talking with a group of kids or with a teacher about kids?  If with kids, are they older or younger?  We'll find it eventually :).  


Another thought is to go back into your browser history to the day you saw it and search there.  


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