
I teach 2nd grade, and in the mornings the students choose their 3 rounds for the day. They have 3 magnetic clips on my whiteboard with the station names to the left, and round 1, 2, and 3 at the top. They put one of their clips on a station in each round. I have a rule as to what they need to do each week, but am having a hard time keeping track of making sure they do it. I’d hate to toss out my hard work with laminating the signs and getting the clips ready, but I wonder if I don’t need to move to a paper based check in so I can make sure they’re getting the required stations done each week. Or maybe even after they go choose their stations on the whiteboard, then come & mark on a paper at my table what they chose. Any other ideas?






Perhaps when they go to their first round, you could take a couple of minutes and quickly jot them down on your paper copy. Or, there always seems to be a student who loves to do this kind of work–maybe that student could do it for you (if it doesn’t take them too long).

Leslie Brissette

Over the many years that I have been using the Daily 5 in my classroom, I have gone through numerous different “tracking” systems. When I went to see The Sisters in Chicago last May, they said something that really struck a chord in me. They said (and I’m just giving the gist of it) that they always stick with the paper, pencil/verbal check in because they think of it as a sort of contract. When the child makes a verbal choice they are making a commitment to go to that station and follow all of the classroom expectations and “do their job”. I explained this to my 2nd grade students at the beginning of the year and have been using the paper, pencil/verbal check in again and have been very happy with it! Hope this is a little helpful!

Robyn Anderson

I used to use paper/pencil in a pocket folder, but have limited space now… So, instead, I use an online Excel spreadsheet. i type the date at the top and call students, marking their choice as they go to their station. It works fairly well, but I’d love to have some kind of a “checklist” system/record on TheDailyCafe.com, instead, lol!

Pamela Cratty

There is a sheet the sisters have for a daily checkin for daily 5. It’s a single sheet.


If you use the web-based CCPensieve, there is a check in that students can click on their own if you wish.

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