
I am a reading intervention teacher and I work with students from more than one classroom at a time. I have been able to share students with their teachers, but we are unable to create a group with shared students from more than one class. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!






I’m in your exact situation :). I was just at the Sisters’ Conference in Ft. Worth, talking with Emily (one of the developers) about that exact topic. She is working on this right now so that we will be able to do that. Keep an eye out for a notice from her. If I hear from her, I’ll post here about it.

Danna Lewis

That would be fabulous! I am a coach at my school and I know our Tier III RTI teachers would love to be able to do this!

Tammy Seay

As a third grade team leader on a PLC campus, sharing intervention groups, plans, and assessments would make the documentation easier. I would love this being added.

Ruth Holland

Hi - I am looking into creating groups with shared students also. Has there been any update on this issue??


The updates are in the works, but not up and running yet. You might try my ideas above until they are ready. Will keep everyone posted.

Danna Lewis

Any updates on this? I know this has become a really frustrating issue for my intervention teachers and because of it they are no longer using CC Pensieve for those groups where students are from different classes because its just too time consuming to go back in an create a conferring session for each member of a group, over and over again. I would sooooo love for this to be resolved by next school year so my teachers will stay onboard with CC Pensieve and not give up on it!


I know, as an interventionist myself, that it can seem frustrating to make group notes to several teachers. However, I have realized that “copying and pasting” is not very complicated for most days. I try to write the “bones” of my lessons in the CCPensieve for one member of the group before the day starts (lesson plans, so to speak), and copy those to each member of the group. Then. when I am working with the small group, I add any particular comment to each student’s record.
I think this is at least as easy as writing the info more than once. I think the “overarching” idea with the group feature is to share info, but add specific notes for each student.
I do know that the developers are working hard on this and other member suggestions to update the CCPensieve, but I can’t say when these will do updated specifically.
You might also share your concern through the CCP on the “contact us” link at the bottom of the page. Hearing from members will certainly be appreciated!!

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