
This month our third grade team is experimenting with Read Well 3 in preparation for using it as our reading curriculum next year. This means we have had to stop Daily 5 completely :frowning: because the scripted program requires three 30-minute lessons to three different ability-based groups. When students are not with me, they rotate to partner work and independent work (both using worksheets based on the program-supplied text they are reading). It’s a good curriculum, but there’s so much content that we no longer have time to do the Daily 5. Has anyone out there been able to figure out how to pare down the content or reconfigure it so that we can still use Daily 5? It’s only been a week but my students have already complained about not being able to meet with me!





Linda Solaya

I’m going to answer my own question here because Daily 5 has been a life-saver. I originally thought I would not have time for Daily 5, however the Read Well 3 program gives students more time than they need to work collaboratively and independently while I am working with a group. Because I had trained my students on the Daily 5 at the beginning of the year, they know what to do whenever they have extra time.


You are an example for all of those who feel “trapped” in a scripted program :). A great lesson for those who are in similar situations to realize how to do what we KNOW is right, with what we HAVE to do :).

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