
Has anyone incorporated the Saxon Math into Daily 3? I am wondering where the whole group Power Up/Mental Math component would fit in?

Thank you for your input!






Stating up front that I’ve never used Saxon Math, but when I googled the Power Up from Saxon, I do have a connection I think would work.
The Power Up/Mental Math components seem to me to be a good match for the Math Daily 3 Mini-Lessons. I really didn’t see how much time these activities take, but if you keep these lessons short enough to match what brain research says, it seems that would work well.
I’m interested to hear from others who have done Saxon Math to see if they agree.


I also use Saxon. I’m just about to finish up the D3 class, and think I will use my whole group time to teach each of the examples and possibly a few of the 30 problems given each day.
Mini lesson: Example 1 and some review
Math by Myself: 40 facts and a game (my students get this done in 1.5-4 minutes)
Mini Lesson: Example 2 and some review
Math with Someone: game
Mini Lesson: Example 3
Math Writing: Word Problem at the bottom of the Power Up and journal topics that I’ve purchased from The Teacher Studio on TpT.
I’m realizing I hadn’t thought about the mental math section. hmmm. . . seems like a 2 day week is a good time to try and work out the kinks on that idea. What have you come up with since asking the question this summer?

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