
I’m wondering how to give a spelling grade or what/how to use spelling lists in the Daily 5/CAFE? I will welcome any suggestions you may have. Thanks. I have a K-4th grade reading and language arts class with 11 students. My daughter has always been a good speller and has been bored with the lists she was given for the last two years. I’m wondering if Daily 5/CAFE could be used to increase spelling skills without the “list.”






The Sisters talk about “Words Their Way” which is a researched based study of words. The assessments included give a quick look at what students are using in their spelling, and where it begins to break down for them. It could be used to group your students–perhaps some of the younger students have a strong sense of spelling and an older student might need some extra support.
The program is based on word sorts for specific spelling needs. Sounds like your daughter would have benefited from this program .
Here’s a link to the elementary assessment (not for your kindergarteners, probably). If you google Words Their Way, you can get lots of information.

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