
My second grade class has been working on Math Daily 3 since the first day of school. Our stamina for independent practice time hasn’t past 5 minutes yet. I know they know what independence looks like because they are soaring in Daily 5.

In math, I’ve done the 10 steps to independence for Math by Myself (taught and retaught…several times). We’ve practiced and practiced some more about what math independence should look, sound, and feel like and what it should NOT look like, sound like, or feel like. I’m unsure about where to go from here. I want to stick with this…does anyone have any tips or suggestions for what I can do to help my students learn math independence?





Michelle Jenkins

Hi! I would just stick with it, and keep modeling, modeling, modeling. For me this year, my first graders are a little more restless and immature than in previous years, and the Daily 3 Math choice every day helps them keep moving but at the same time the short increments of focusing on a game or math writing helps. With their shorter attention spans, I’ve had to continue to talk about what they have done well and what they can do better for a minute after we come back to the carpet after a round of Math Daily 3. They first rate themselves with a five, four, three, two, one (with five being the best) by placing their hand on their heart with the number they chose. I have some of them tell why they chose what they did if they want to share. They also may share what they noticed others doing well. This gives them positive reinforcement and they love the attention their classmates give them, which makes them focus even better next time. Sometimes we need to model again how to do math with someone or math by myself and I pick 2-4 people to show the class how we do these and I usually try to pick the ones who are having the most difficulty so they can show others how well they can do. We discuss what a great job they are doing with specific detail (e.g., they are not talking to any one, they are staying in one place, etc) and then they show us the bad/unacceptable way and then the good way again. My suggestion would be to keep doing this and to keep it up and it just has to get better. Also, I give them lots of positive comments after they do a round and sometimes have certain students move their names up on our behavior chart for doing so well. One time my whole class did so incredibly well we just all moved our names up! Hope this helps in some way!

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