
I teach third and fourth and just launched listen to reading and some word work (spelling city) using chrome books, I am struggling because it takes my students so long to get started right away because it’s so challenging to 1) login to chromebook 2) get to website 3) login to website 4) get started. Does anyone have tips on how to get kids started quickly?






Not absolutely knowledgeable here, but maybe this will work–Can you log in to chromebook ahead of time, pull up the website and just have the kids log on for that specific program?

Sherri Anderson

I don’t use chromebooks, but our school does use laptops for our students. Start the computers up ahead of time . Assign a computer team to turn them on 10 minutes before you will use them. Save Spelling City site on the desktop as a shortcut and students will launch from there. Log on for that site is quick and they should be going directly to assignments. Display a “How to Log on” poster and practice logging onto the site. My first grade students can do this fairly quickly and independently. Always have a book under the computer in case of computer, server, internet or website problems. Students will wait patiently if they have something to keep them busy while waiting for help.

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